Vale JB

Hello AllTrails Community

We are sad to report of the passing of our friend John Beer who we all know as JB. JB worked as a mechanic on many of our bike tours but he was so much more than that. He always had an encouraging word, a cheeky quip and a story to tell. He was a one of a kind, a gentleman and the most down to earth bloke you’d ever meet. He had an extensive history working in the cycling industry and had travelled the world working for cycling teams. What he really loved though was helping people which is why he will be so missed by the many people he has connected with over the years.

JB was diagnosed last year with an aggressive form of Parkinson’s Disease and he passed last Wednesday. His funeral was held on Friday in Yarrawonga and was a lovely service with a ‘full house’. Thank you to all of the kind messages from his AllTrails friends, which we have passed on to the family.

Vale JB